Armagetron Advanced Snake Server Shows Highscores Again
You can once again preview the snake server's highscores by typing "/score" (without the quotes) into your chat while in the game. Here's an example below, showing all of the highscores that still exist from some time ago.
Late to the party much? To be fair, I just put my snake server back up last night. I took it down a few months ago because I was annoyed at people sitting in the game turning continuously (with their chatbots or otherwise) and not dying. I was going to update the game to have a timer which increases as you eat more apples, but I never got around to it. Also, nobody really understands your scoring from what I've heard
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Quote: nelg
I actually had it set up quite a while ago, but I accidentally lost one of the script files that had the command so I recreated it.
Quote: nelg
To be fair, I just put my snake server back up last night. I took it down a few months ago because I was annoyed at people sitting in the game turning continuously (with their chatbots or otherwise) and not dying. I was going to update the game to have a timer which increases as you eat more apples, but I never got around to it.
That happened yesterday already in my server. If it's a real issue, I'll probably come up with something as well. Maybe if you don't get an apple fast enough you die of "starvation".
Quote: nelg
Also, nobody really understands your scoring from what I've heard :P
My scoring is pretty simple. Much like the real snake games, the faster you get the apple, the more points you get. Nothing complicated. If you take a lifetime to get each apple, you can collect a lot for very few points. If you collect them fast, then you can quickly rack up a lot of points. That becomes more of a struggle as you get a longer tail, so many of the points need to be gotten early in the game, and then your later ones just increase your score slowly.
Quote: Kira
I actually had it set up quite a while ago, but I accidentally lost one of the script files that had the command so I recreated it.
Open source FTW
Quote: nelg
All of my stuff is backed up twice a day now externally, so I'm not worried about having it up elsewhere. My old setup had no backups, so when I deleted the wrong file, it was just gone. Well, at least it wasn't worth taking my stuff offline to try and recover it. Things have progressed since then.
Quote: Kira
My scoring is pretty simple. Much like the real snake games, the faster you get the apple, the more points you get. Nothing complicated. If you take a lifetime to get each apple, you can collect a lot for very few points. If you collect them fast, then you can quickly rack up a lot of points. That becomes more of a struggle as you get a longer tail, so many of the points need to be gotten early in the game, and then your later ones just increase your score slowly.
for that score to mean anything the ladder log would probably need to include how many minutes / seconds it took and how many zones they got. 776 means nothing to me no idea how long it took him or how many zones he got so I would have no idea how many zones I would need to beat that score or in what time
Quote: swag8
for that score to mean anything the ladder log would probably need to include how many minutes / seconds it took and how many zones they got. 776 means nothing to me no idea how long it took him or how many zones he got so I would have no idea how many zones I would need to beat that score or in what time
I do have that stored, and I can show the seconds per apple collected as well. I also store when they got the score. I just simply don't show it right now. I used to show a little more information on there, for your score at least. I could add the others though. That wouldn't be a problem to display it on the highscore list.
Swag, I've taken your advice and added that in. The image in the original post has been updated to reflect these changes.
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