Announcements • Maze Generator
#1 Posted: Jul 20, 2018 at 09:37 |
The maze generator is back! This will generate mazes, very similar to my Labyrinth server, and give you the map XML file to save.
By default, the maps generate at a size of 10x10 if you think about it in blocks or squares.
Alternatively, you can define your own size using variables in the URL. Adding "?w=5&h=5" will create a 5x5 map.
"w" stands for width, and "h" stands for height. You can create maps up to a size of 30x30. Note that maps made too large will cause a lot of FPS dropping in-game, making some maps unplayable. Also, maps do not have to be square. You can create rectangular maps that have a longer width than height, or vice-versa.
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